aere London Breakfast with Inspiring Ladies

8:48:00 PM

16th February 2018 is a special date and a special Friday for me and for aere as we hosted our breakfast in London at the Ivy Chelsea Garden with some really inspiring ladies. We had a private room to ourselves and it's just the perfect venue for an intimate and cosy breakfast session where we can just get to know each other better beyond the confines of social media and just talk, eat, laugh, take photos and just do what we girls do. Obviously I was nervous to host this but I really had fun and it seems like everyone else did too!

I'm going to blog more in detail soon when I'm back in Malaysia definitely (God-willing) but I'm so happy with how the event turned out that I just wanted to quickly update this before I get going for something huge today! So proud of Hazimah, aere's team member who planned this breakfast, the venue, the invite, the goodie bags, and practically everything else right down to the timing of our early breakfast which was at 8.30am-10.30am and brought everyone together together with Patricia here in London. You guys are amazing! 

I was nervous about the timing initially because it's pretty early for breakfast (Vivy said breakfast for her starts at 11) but it turned out to be great because everyone  was so energetic and super excited in the morning! My greatest fear was that everyone would turn up grumpy, half asleep, hungry and angry (hangryy) (me included) but everyone was just so cheerful and a bundle of positive smiles and energy!

Most of the photos in this post are captured by Izzy Osman, Jeera's husband who is also a professional photographer and my husband Khubayb who helped take videos on that day. Some of the photos were also taken with my iPhone was captured by my husband Khubayb too. The last photo in this post is the only one captured by me from my phone.

I'm going to go off to the venue of aere's first fashion show in London which is happening in a few hours time! Yes, as soon as I'm publishing this post I have to get ready, do my makeup, bring some stuffs to the venue for our own aere booth there and prepare for the actual show at Victoria House London. So, if you have a LMFW pass, our show is at 2.30 pm today!

Enjoy the photos and some storey behind these photos too!

I didn't write or prepare a speech okay but it turned out I spoke for a long, long time welcoming everyone, talking about aere and everything else. I guess the words just started flowing. And then all of the guests started to individually introduce themselves, why we do what we do and everyone shared something a little personal and unknown about themselves as well (like our age!). It was just so inspiring hearing everyone's stories and their journeys and struggles and motivations. I can't wait to share more soon when I'm back!

So so grateful and blessed to get to meet these beautiful ladies and to get to know each other a little bit better at the humble breakfast do. Thank you so, so much for attending and for all the love and support! Love you ladies. Keep on inspiring !!! 

From left to right :  Sidrah Riaz (@lotustree), Zahra Rose Alazaibi (@zahrarosea), Fatumina (@fatuminamusic), Anisah Farid (@pinkdurian), Sobrina Said (@sobrisaid), Faiza Saqib (@simplyf.s), Vivy Yusof (@vivyyusof), Kho Min-Jee (@khominjee), Hana' Fedora (@hanafedora), Ajeeratul Abdullah (@jeeradoesfashion), Raja Nadia Sabrina (@rnadiasabrina), Suraya Sharifuddin  (@surayasharifuddin), Zaynah (@desiraindrops), Nissa Hussain (@fusionfashionista), Halima Chowdhury (@misslittlefancy), Salma Masrour (@thebritishmorrocan), Efsun Ibrahim (@efsun_ihm), Honey Nia (@honeynia)

Izzy risked his life for this shot. Stood in the middle of the road. And then Khubayb and Ida joined him as well. Don't worry it was just this one shot. And then we told them it was not worth it. Hehe.

All18 of us. So blessed to be surrounded by these inspiring beauties.  
This one was captured by Khubayb with my iPhone.
I told him to not risk his life by standing in the middle of the busy road so that's why this shot is a bit senget (not straight).

One nice ayu shot of Vivy and I before I share with you the behind the scenes reality below.

Vivy caught vlogging, talking about how happy she is to be at the breakfast... NOT! She was complaining about how I dragged everyone to come at the event on 8.30am on a Friday morning while Khubayb is recording a video of us and Izzy captured this BTS shot! 

Zahra Rose and Hana Fedora.
Zahra also came to aere's London brunch event at the Orangery in February 2017 last year and has been so supportive ever since.
I've known Hana personally for a long long time and she helped us with our deliveries in UK for our Pure London show and LMFW recently. 
Thanks so much babe!!!

With Suraya and Jeera.
Suraya was the first to bring aere to London for Pure London 3 years ago so thank you for this past 3 years! And Jeera here, have you guys seen her campaign-like OOTD shots of aere? It's just so breathtaking every time. 
Blogged about the campaign shoot we did together early last year with Izzy.

With half of the aere TEAM here in London.
The ones who helped make it all happen together as a team and also they were just too cute, both of them in matching pants and tops! 
The aere IMAGES CHANGE tops are super personal to me as it is inspired by a photo that my father took when I was about 2 years old here in London.
I was in the photo on my stroller and at the background there was that phrase "IMAGES CHANGE" and that struck and hit me. I decided to put that on these tops for aere's CHANGE collection as the inspiration of the CHANGE collection was triggered by photos of me captured by my father when I was much younger in London.  You can see the photo that my father took in my post 

I'm wearing a dress which will be launched in another county next month, and it's not Malaysia. Guess where?

 With Honey Nia and Nissa Hussain.

With Min Jee, Faiza and Vivy

All of us in aere. Of course!!!

Before everyone came I managed to take 1 photo! This is the only shot I got of the setting. There's my husband Khubayb aka @kneok holding the camera (he's in charge of recording the video on that day by the way) while chatting with Jeera and Hana and there's Izzy on the right capturing moments from the event. There's Pat and Haz settling everything and making sure everything was perfect before the event started too! And in the end, it was perfect and beyond what I expected it to turn out (I sometimes can be a bit of a pessimist and I expected a lot worse). Thank you guyssss!!!

I'll blog more about this when I go back to Malaysia. I'm off to aere's first fashion show in London now. Have to run! Byeeee! Wish us well okay! xo


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