Drawing of My Angel, Baby Jibrael : Expect the Unexpected IX

11:34:00 PM

Just sharing this beautiful drawing made exclusively for my beloved daughter by my dear sister Joanna Felicia Read exactly a year ago, 30.12.2012. 60 days after I was warded at the hospital. 

She drew this while I was lying down on my hospital bed being on strict bedrest carrying Jibrael :) Oh, I miss that feeling carrying Jibrael in my belly. I remember it was a beautiful day and many friends from the office came to keep me, my husband and Jibrael company that day. They brought so many food for us and cheered me up playing Cranium!

I was flipping through the pages of the black book where family and friends who visited me, Jibrael and my husband at the hospital scribbled, drew and wrote wonderful things dedicated to Jibrael, me and Jibrael's father. I suddenly felt like taking a picture of this drawing just now and share it on my blog. 

Jibrael is loved by many and I am so blessed :)

Makes me happy to read all the things my dearest friends and family wrote inside all of the 5 black books filled with words and drawings. Touched my heart deeply to know that my daughter left a big mark in the lives of many through her brief visit in this world. Her visit in this world means the world to me. 

I am truly blessed to be a mother to a child in heaven :)

All praises to the Creator. 

I just found out today that the husband has to leave to London again for work tomorrow. The FOURTH time this past few months!!! He's been so busy with work and still is at the office this very moment (yes, it is normal for lawyers to work till midnight and beyond). Whatever it is, putting my feelings aside, I am pretty sure that Jibrael is very proud of her father and smiling from up above looking down on us :)



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