Day 3 KLFW RTW 2013 : Mazlianul Maznan, Ammara & Jubah Souq : My Look & The Show

4:45:00 AM

This is a continuation to Day 1 KLFW RTW : Pu3 Designs, Yadotsa & Jummy Lee : The Show & the Beautiful People and Day 2 KLFW RTW 2013 When Our Eyes Met Mimpikita : Fashion Lovers Unite.
The third day of the Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week Ready to Wear 2013 on 21st June 2013 was presented by the Islamic Fashion Festival (IFF) and again I am thankful to be given the privilege of attending.

Both Mazlianul Maznan and Ammara Hijabi graciously invited me to their fashion showcase for KLFW at Pavillion KL. They both paraded their beautiful RTW collection. They did a splendid job and I really admire their talent. I'm really proud of the girls.

Apart from the fashion showcase of Mazlianul Maznan and Ammara above, I also managed to catch Jubah Souq. The guys behind Jubah Souq really have that good eye of elegant modest wear. I would love to wear their pieces.

To be honest, there were a lot of items which were showcased by the different designers that day that I would love to have in my wardrobe. Truly ready-to-wear pieces that are fashionable and wearable.

By the way, the deep green dress I wore is from Mazlianul Maznan. :) 


What I Wore: 
Mazlianul Maznan long dress
PariPari Shawl at ilovetudung
Michael Kors  handbag
Zara belt

Thank you Mazlianul for the official shots of your showcase. The only clear shots. :) Thank you again for inviting me and for the lovely dress. 
You all can see the difference between the official shots by MM and my shots of Ammara and Jubah Souq's showcase which were all taken by me. Time to save up for a new camera! I will post more on the beautiful people I met after the show in my next post, God-willing.


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