*~Happy Birthday Azura Liyana~*

11:46:00 PM

It was Liya's birthday surprise today. She came over to Eima's house for work, not knowing that there was a surprise birthday celebration waiting for her. Everyone from her mum to Eima's mum was in on the surprise act. In the company of a small group of close friends and good food, it was a great way to celebrate your birthday. Happy 27th Liya!

Me in split personality mode, switching from a smile, to being all serious, on the way to Eima's house.

Liya's sister, Wawa @ Angah presenting the totally surprised liya with her birthday cake

the gurls, in panels

The barbeque, people queuing up for their foooood

It was potluck everyone brought a little bit of food. The food selection was diverse. I brought the haagen-dazs ice cream for dessert instead of fruits. Oh and Ruzana's mashed potatoes were creamyyyyy licking good. The pasta and BBQ were great too. In fact, everything was great

My lovelies <3

Round 2 (or was it the 3rd, or 4th, or 5th) of the awesome barbeque

Me and my soul sistah, Ruzana. Love what she's wearing

I had to leave early, so I hugged the birthday girl goodbye

A happy ending to a satisfying day ~~ Ngee *tired face*

Til my next post!

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  1. why are you so prettayhhhhhhhhhh?!

