Sisterhood 2014 : Jakarta Here I Come!!!

9:38:00 PM

They are bringing me to Jakarta! Just yesterday, I was invited by the wonderful and extremely inspirational Dian Pelangi, the internationally well-known blogger and fashion designer for an annual Sisterhood event in Jakarta as well as to give a talk together with four other amazing personalities there. I have known (following/stalking) all of them including Dian Pelangi through the social media world. They are all inspiring in different ways :) 

I still cannot believe that I have been invited!

I have never been to any of the Sisterhood events hosted by Dian Pelangi before but I know it's something they hold annually. The above is the poster that they gave me just this afternoon. I assume they took the photo from my blog. Still trying to pinch myself. It is really going to happen!! If God wills it. 

Okay......... Calm yourself down Sabrina. 

At the end of this blog post is the poster that Dian uploaded on her IG last night. Right after the confirmation that we gave to attend the talk.

What is this kind of event for? It unites ladies and tighten the silaturrahim (connection or ties) of ladies with a common Love and apart from that we get to share experiences, tips and exchange ideas. Well, at least that is what I think it will do! Hehe. I will probably blog more on the event when I am back from Jakarta insyaAllah.

I am very happy when Shea Rasol contacted me and she persuaded me to go together (although I didn't need much persuading) and I think it will be so much fun travelling together with her and Nurul too. From Kuala Lumpur to Jakarta! I've blogged here before of how comfortable I am with Shea during the number of times we have met. She is the kind of person that I am able to click with instantly. Shea, Nurul and I will be representing Malaysia for the event, if God wills it :)

I had a few events that I had to miss or reschedule though (sorry, I will make it up to you guys) once I decided to go. A dinner date with a friend on Friday, tea on Saturday with my uni mates at a place we have been wanting to go together, my cousin's wedding on Sunday morning... and my driving license test on Monday! (No, I obtained my license already but I stopped driving for a few years, so it's expired now :p)

But, I really really really wanted to go! 

I was just so surprised when I heard the good news! Never in a million years would I expect Dian Pelangi to actually invite me and bring me to Jakarta!!! Super unexpected. Something like my trip to Jakarta last year with Ruzana (see Jakarta Jagardddah : Part 1 : The Story, The Journey, Garuda, & Coincidences).  Totally unexpected and unplanned. Alhamdulillah. I am very blessed and really content with the gifts and rezeki by Him. :)

Anyways, after thinking it through I figured that this was an offer and opportunity not to be missed. A once in a lifetime experience! Haha (I think I am not exaggerating too much, am I)

So, I told everyone that I couldn't go to their events because I had to give a talk and spend four nights for an all expenses-paid trip to Indonesia! 

If you can't tell I am now really super hyped up to attend the event, meet new friends and the wonderful people in Jakarta. Excited! 

See you in Jakarta tomorrow and Bandung on Monday! Let me know if you are going okay and don't be shy to say hi! 

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  1. Wow! I always stalking you and you are my inspiration. Thank you and keep doing what you love.

  2. Nguyên nhân và dấu hiệu viêm âm đạoTuy nhiên, không phải ai cũng biết và hiểu về bệnh lý này. Viêm âm đạo tuy không nguy hiểm tới mức ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến tính mạng người bệnh nhưng nếu không được điều trị nó lại là nguyên nhân dẫn đến hiếm muộn và các bệnh lý liên quan khác
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